Web Design and SEO for businesses in Edinburgh

Josh Page Web Design is an Edinburgh website designer supporting local businesses with their business website, Local SEO and digital marketing to increase your search rankings and grow your business.

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Web Design for local businesses in Edinburgh

As a business in Edinburgh, your website is a key component of your digital presence. Your competitors are targeting the same clients as you, but they are taking advantage of the digital era with a strong website, social proof and organic traffic.

A website for your Edinburgh business will give your clients an easy way to find out what they want to know, quickly. A quality website will detail your services, create solid social proof (client testimonials, work examples) and take your user on a journey through your business.

Your website needs to be fast, modern and mobile-responsive. With my design process, you will have the best website in your area. My websites are tried and tested for page speed, responsiveness across phones, tablets and desktops and optimized for search results to get you the Google page rankings you need.

Local SEO for businesses in Edinburgh

Businesses in and around Edinburgh know about how strong the competition can be. It's difficult to convince a client to choose you over one of your competitors.

Developing SEO for your Edinburgh business is one of the most effective ways to stand out from your competition and increase your visibility in search engines.

If your customers are searching on Google for your industry "in Edinburgh" you want your website and business to show up in the #1 position, for this you need SEO.

Without strong search rankings for relevant, key topics you are going to be losing out to your competitors who are implementing SEO strategies.

Full service web design and SEO for local businesses in Edinburgh

I offer end-to-end web design and SEO for local businesses in Edinburgh so you can focus on your business whilst your website and digital presence generates business for you.

Web Design Edinburgh

Get your business online quickly with a modern, mobile-responsive website. Unique website design, optimized for search engines, done for you.

Local SEO Edinburgh

All my website builds are SEO optimized before launch, but without implementing long-term SEO strategies you will lose out to your competitors.

Website Hosting Edinburgh

Your website needs hosting to keep it online and in search results for your clients to find. I can manage your hosting for you and handle any content updates.

Optimized for speed, SEO and users

Before launch, every website I build undergoes testing for page-speed, SEO and user experience. What good is a website if a user bounces due to poor optimization?

Blogging for SEO

Blogging is an awesome way to generate traffic for your website, build your brand and position yourself as an expert in your industry. I can write for you.

Regular updates as your business grows

As your business grows, your services and pricing are likely to change. Your website needs to reflect this, which is why I offer all content changes for free.

Web Design Edinburgh

Websites for Edinburgh businesses

I build high-quality websites and provide SEO services for local businesses in Edinburgh and across the UK to help you grow your local business through digital marketing.

I build websites that are super-fast, modern and mobile-responsive. Your users need access to information about your business in a quick, easily to consume format so they can make a decision on you immediately.

If a customer struggles to learn about what you do, can't use your website or is given incorrect information, they will leave frustrated and move on to a competitor quickly.

Tired of losing clients to your competitors? Other businesses in Edinburgh are taking full advantage of their website. It's time for you to catch up.


Online discovery call or I can come meet you in person

Let's have a quick 15 minute discovery call to learn about each other. I'd like to discuss your business, goals and how I can help you get there. We can chat online but if you'd rather meet face to face I can make my way into Edinburgh and we can chat over a coffee.


I get to planning your website with a sitemap, wireframe and full design

Once we are happy to go ahead with your project, I will get to building your custom plan. I will design a site map which lays out which pages your site will have, a base for the content on each page and finally a full design that will be replicated in WordPress. You will sign off on this design before we move on.


It's time to build your website and get you online!

Now all that's left is for me to build your website out in WordPress. I aim to match the design as closely as possible whilst ensuring full mobile-responsiveness and capturing your brand. Your website will be fully optimized for SEO, page speed and user experience (UX).


The future of your website and business growth online

There it is. Your Edinburgh business is finally online! So what now? I can support you with website hosting, local SEO and regular content updates to keep your website fresh and generating traffic for your business.

But what about...

Have a burning question about your website or just want to know more about what I do? Check out the FAQ or drop me a message with the button below.

How is this going to help my business?

If you are not sure about why you need a website, I have wrote an article that gives you 10 reasons why you might. A website will help you by increasing your reach to the local area, giving potential clients all the information they need to know about your business and why they should choose you.

Your website will also give you a platform to inform your customers about any special offers, changes and more.

Do I need someone else to do SEO for me?

SEO is a complicated and time consuming process. If your SEO process is implemented poorly it can have no effect on your search rankings and in some cases can cause you to lose rankings due to Google penalties. A well thought out SEO plan with careful implementation is your best choice when it comes to growing your business with SEO.

When should I expect to start seeing results?

Depending on your current position in search engines and the competition in your industry, we can make a fair estimate on when to expect results. A business with no website or who is completely new to SEO might be able to see improvement within the first 1-3 months whereas a business in a competitive industry might expect 6+ months before seeing noticable change.

SEO is a long-term game and needs to be treated with care and patience to reap the rewards.

How much should I expect to pay for a website?

I build websites at a one-off cost starting from £300 and scaling upwards as you add more pages, content and sections to your website. Not wanting to fork out a bulk amount upfront? I also offer websites on monthly subscriptions with no upfront cost.

Check out my pricing here.

Want to learn how a new website can grow your business?